Export Elevation GridExport Elevation GridExport Elevation Grid formatSource Input Format*ASTER GDEM V2SRTMUSGS NED (CONUS)OtherYour Elevation DataExport Format*GeoTiff (TIF)JPEG2000 Files (JP2)BIL (binary interleaved)BSQ (binary sequential)BIP (binary interleaved pixel)RAW (PCI Geomatics raw binary) formatsBPF (Binary Point File) Lidar FormatBT (Binary Terrain) Elevation Grid FilesCarlson SurvCAD Grid FileCogent3D .imagery FilesDHM - Swiss DEM FilesDTED (Digital Terrain Elevation Data) FormatERDAS Imagine Image FormatGeosoft Binary Grid FilesHF2HFZIdrisi FormatJPGIS (Japanese DEM) XML FormatLIDAR LAZ (Compressed LAS) FilesPLY (Standford Polygon Library)STL (StereoLithography) FilesSurfer Grid (Binary) FormatSurfer Grid (ASCII) FormatTerragen Terrain FormatVertical Mapper (MapInfo) Grid/Clutter FilesZmap Plus Grid FilesQuantized Mesh TerrainHeightmap TerrainXYZ GridERS ER Mapper GridGolden Software Surfer 7 Binary GridHierarchical Data Format Release 4 (HDF4)Meta Raster Format-MRF3D PDFSelect Export FormatArea of Interest*Paste in a GeoJSON Polygon (Square, Rectangle) | Define Area of Interest | Define a Bounding Box (select GeoJSON